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Title 1 John Clem

What is Title I?  
How does it support you?
Teacher reading to students, illustrated
Title I is a state funded program that allows our staff to help our students meet the state's challenging academic content and performance standards.
It also allows us the opportunity to work with families and provide them with opportunities to participate and learn how to help the education of their student(s).
 How do we do this?
We have staff specifically dedicated 
to work with those students that need 
that little extra to help them succeed.
These staff members work in the classroom, 
small groups or one on one with students.  They
adapt lessons to work with these students to
meet the needs of the individual
How does Title I work with Families?
Throughout the school year, our Title and Literacy Staff work together to host family nights for the students and their families.  Activities are created and demonstrated to help the students and parents work together at home.  In most cases the families will go home with an activity or a book!
How does John Clem Elementary qualify for Title I State Funding?
Schools qualify for Title I funding based on economic need as indicated by the number of free and reduced lunches.

Title 1 Resources